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2015 Box Soldier Award

Below is the presentation that was made to CFR athlete Mark Yamasaki during at the 2015 Holiday Bash.

📷​​SMLXL 📷

When a soldier finds out they have to go to battle they get nervous. That soldier quickly replaces that fear with determination to be committed. They know that they are committed to something bigger than themselves. So they strap up their boots, grab their bag, and head to the battle field. Once they reach the battle field they are determined to see the mission through. No injury, no ailment, no amount of fatigue can make them abandon the mission.

Right now I would like to honor Mark Yamasaki as our “Box Soldier”. Mark joined CrossFIt Rockdale and quickly realized that it was the furthest thing from what he was used to. He was destroyed on a routine basis. Like a good soldier, he continues to show up and complete the mission. He’s been injured and banged up as much as anyone here, yet he continues to show up and complete the mission day in and day out.

Mark it has been a pleasure seeing you grow as a CrossFitter. Thank you for your dedication to CFR and our daily missions.

Mark Yamasaki

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